Instead of cobbling together random content, discover how easy it is to write a consultant appointment that you and your client can really understand

“If I had had this brilliant and compact book by Sarah Fox fifteen years ago, it would have saved my firm hundreds of hours of agony and procrastination. Appointments don't have to be complex after all.”

Your essential guide to writing and using services agreements that:

You can safeguard your business, explain how you’ll share your expertise, all in just 500 words and without annoying your clients.

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Sarah Fox is a recovering construction lawyer with more than 25 years’ experience. Based on her deep expertise in the UK construction sector, she wrote 5 books to empower your team and create confidence with contracting.

She works globally with teams across different sectors who want clear contract processes and simple contract content.

She is a keynote speaker and available to inspire your people to keep contracting simple.

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